


jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

Tips for positioning a web site

These days, the creation of a web site is an added value to any business, and is probably less expensive and more valuable than ever, as more and more people begin to get used to the internet.
Create a website or an online store is an innovative method of starting a business, or to generate sales to expand the scope of the business using the internet. It is that you are starting, or you already have a web site, you can increase your sales, or visits your web site through techniques that help the most popular Internet companies. Some of these strategies can be integrated to help increase traffic, and driving more people to the site and make it more attractive to potential customers.
As a marketing strategy to increase the relevance of a site, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) considered search algorithms, knowing what people are looking for. A SEO efforts can consist of the coding of a site, the presentation and structure, as well as fixing problems that stop the spiderbots of search engines to index a web site.
It is important to add exclusive content to a web site, and make sure that the content is easily indexed by search engines robots, allowing the site to be more attractive for users.
Search engine advertising: is that a company pays in advertising in a search engine. Examples: Google Adwords, Yahoo advertising, Prodigy MSN, etc.SEO for organic searches: using knowledge about the rules that has a search engine positioning a web site, and creates a friendly site for search engines to be found using the keywords that are most used to appear at the top of the search within the search engine.
SEO can help generate a return on investment. However, search engines are you cannot pay to create traffic with organic search, so their algorithms (rules for indexing) may change, and there is no guarantee of appearing in the top. However, due to this lack of guarantees, a company which relies much on search engine traffic could suffer heavy losses if the search engines suspended or cease to send visitors to your website or online store.
For that reason to generate sales, is recommended to use advertising on search engines (SEM) along with the SEO strategy to rely on only one way to attract customers.
According to the best web analysts, operators must free from dependence on search engine traffic. One of the best top ranking SEO blog, has analyzed that "search marketing", has a touch of irony, they receive a very small part of its traffic from search engines. Instead, their main sources of traffic are links to other web sites.
Something important to generate sales is the use of letters of sales and landing page; as the use of newsletters.
Search terms are important. Even one of the most frequent and loyal clients, they can discover a site thanks to look for him on GOOGLE. Relevant keywords in your page titles, the titles of the products and links can make all the difference when it comes to bring customers to the web site. For those with established sites, you must not forget that the maintenance of their current and relevant keywords is a daily thing.
Be sure to check your web logs on a regular basis to see what visitors are looking for on your site, and identify the pages and products properly.
Add content is relevant to thereby improve the satisfaction of customers, search engine optimization of your site in search engines. The important term here is relevant.
Content strategy must be related to their products, if it is not the case, unrelated content could work against you, since it may confuse potential customers and gives the impression that wants to mislead the search robots.
A better method to add content relevant to your site is to add paragraphs descriptive on each of its products, which are placed next to your photos. Be as specific as possible and be sure that it uses the terms that people are more prone to use in your search.
Remember that you have qualified to web site traffic can translate into money. Search engine optimization and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) knowledge is vital if you want to attract traffic.

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