


domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Mobile Marketing: QR codes are here to stay

Mobile marketing with QR codes? Let's see why.
In February of 2011, a survey conducted in the United States by MGH, showed that the majority of Smartphone users escaneaban QR codes for coupons, discounts or promotions.
Another is in Google Trends, where you can see how the phrase "qr code" is having more and more Internet presence. If so, it would be desirable that you probaras for your company, don't you think?

Source: Google Trends gained on December 8, 2011
Now, if what you are concerned that not everyone can do it through ignorance, let's look at how all barriers are beating to position as a new strategy of selling QR code through mobile phones.
A reader installed on every Smartphone. About 30% of all users of mobile phones in United States have a Smartphone. While the new Smartphone and bring a QR code reader installed, the old devices will require users to download the reader of the internet, what is the challenge to overcome.Teach new habits to the Smartphone user. The task for the Marketero is here to educate consumers to identify codes and learn how to read them. And the task for the consumer about the benefits of using it.Reward customers. Give them a good reason to read the QR code. The question of all ad "do there here for my?" must be answered either by a call to action, a code to purchase or an incentive for access. It must work to make the consumer feel attracted to read the QR code.
But that's not all, we must measure as effective is our campaign. But what to measure to improve?
Views (Impressions). Related to the number of times that appears the announcement on the web page, announcements, etc. This will help us to know how many times to been seen.Readings (Snaps). Each that a user reads the QR code with your device and binds to a landing (landing page) page or a page with content, you must account for. Here it is important that the page where it is directed is optimized to be read by a mobile, to make the user experience more friendly.Rate of reads (Snap-through rate). This is a simple mathematical formula which indicates the percentage of the readings between prints.Actions (Actions). This variable is directly related to the goals and that has to do with sales or the next action that carried out the user.Rate of conversion (Conversion Rate). Percentage of people who take action divided between the readings of the QR code.
These variables are essential to monitor the campaign, although there are more but would depend on the strategy and the design of the tunnel of sales.
QR codes are one bridge to join the real world to the internet through a device that is increasingly accessible your purchase. Its simple operation has facilitated its diffusion, although there is a long way to go.
Seize this moment in which not all companies use it (as the bar code), may be a distinctive feature of cutting edge for your business image. If you already have a web page, it creates a space for viewing on mobile and take advantage of this momentum.
The shopping experience living prospects will depend on the creativity of the marketero to implement it. QR codes are gaining a space in the world of the mobile internet, so it will depend on you if you want to use that channel to win converts.
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