


martes, 24 de enero de 2012

5 Mistakes committed by the Marketeros with the QR codes

Excellent! Like you, as como emprendedora entrepreneur I decided to integrate the code QR to one of my advertising campaigns for our offline business. I have to say that it did not expect response because I live in a small town with almost 120,000 inhabitants and 34,900 housing. However, I was able to account for 2 tickets and still does not end the month of December. Being optimistic, I exceeded my goal.
However I made several errors that you comment here. As always, I gave the task of investigating all about QR codes so I was sharing with you through this blog, you'll even find up to 50 creative ideas to create QR codes. So read on because today is posting my results.
Directed to see how many people it had Smartphone and dared to scan the code. He was a flyer of middle Charter with a promotion for being holiday season and added the QR code.
We divvy up 4,000 leaflets in two busy cruisers of the municipality where the business is located.
I placed a QR code with a URL of Google Maps which was aimed at the location of the offline business. Each link was accounted for by (Google's free service that shorten you URLs and counts everytime someone uses this URL address.)
Until 27 December there were 3 links (except one which I did test with my laptop).
We sometimes learn better from errors than the successes, so you count which were my mistakes and as managed to correct some along the way. Because I would also like to see that I am entrepreneur and that being wrong is part of the road.

Logical. But sometimes we forget. Before sending to your first circulation test your QR code with a mobile device to see how it will respond. In my case, wrongly I tried it with my laptop. I decided to not try it with any Smartphone. they see that it is logical but sometimes fails us?
Although this small test avoided the mistake of sending them to a non-existent page, that would be to throw away so much effort.
Beware, this was about to pass me. At first I decided to direct it to our website which is not adapted to mobile devices. Since he no longer had time to adapt the website to be viewed by mobile devices, I decided to turn it over and sent it to an address in Google Maps with our physical location
Here I show you how you can put up your business without paying a single dollar that appears on Google Maps.
This if the URL to which you are going is complicated. Some characters can be special and not all the mobile you read or understand, therefore seeks to employ the or some other URLs Shortener to make it simple as possible. Remember that simple is powerful because it decreases the likelihood of error.
This error was something that I do not visualicé at that time. For me it was important to know if they had a Smartphone and if they could read a QR code. So as a destination only indicated where our business was located. If you want to enhance the effect of virality, and live in a city, this point is important. Adds a unique and attractive promotion and thereby track the conversion will have to those who read to them arriving at your business asking for that promotion.
This type of error is common when you don't know tools with which you can measure. All large marketeros we insist on testing, measuring and analyzing, I decided to use Not only because it has but because also it tells you the days that you had clicks, the type of device, the operating system they use. If your campaign spans several countries, also it tells you where received clicks. I show you an image so you can see that I had. Another who also does the same thing is

So far my experiences. Friday, December 30 end my campaign so I'll wait the outcome of the test. I learned a lot. We are already designing a new campaign with QR codes for the month of February.
Shares and help me to Hispanic market commits fewer errors. If I was wrong, that there are other errors and not the same. Thank you for your click.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Mobile Marketing: QR codes are here to stay

Mobile marketing with QR codes? Let's see why.
In February of 2011, a survey conducted in the United States by MGH, showed that the majority of Smartphone users escaneaban QR codes for coupons, discounts or promotions.
Another is in Google Trends, where you can see how the phrase "qr code" is having more and more Internet presence. If so, it would be desirable that you probaras for your company, don't you think?

Source: Google Trends gained on December 8, 2011
Now, if what you are concerned that not everyone can do it through ignorance, let's look at how all barriers are beating to position as a new strategy of selling QR code through mobile phones.
A reader installed on every Smartphone. About 30% of all users of mobile phones in United States have a Smartphone. While the new Smartphone and bring a QR code reader installed, the old devices will require users to download the reader of the internet, what is the challenge to overcome.Teach new habits to the Smartphone user. The task for the Marketero is here to educate consumers to identify codes and learn how to read them. And the task for the consumer about the benefits of using it.Reward customers. Give them a good reason to read the QR code. The question of all ad "do there here for my?" must be answered either by a call to action, a code to purchase or an incentive for access. It must work to make the consumer feel attracted to read the QR code.
But that's not all, we must measure as effective is our campaign. But what to measure to improve?
Views (Impressions). Related to the number of times that appears the announcement on the web page, announcements, etc. This will help us to know how many times to been seen.Readings (Snaps). Each that a user reads the QR code with your device and binds to a landing (landing page) page or a page with content, you must account for. Here it is important that the page where it is directed is optimized to be read by a mobile, to make the user experience more friendly.Rate of reads (Snap-through rate). This is a simple mathematical formula which indicates the percentage of the readings between prints.Actions (Actions). This variable is directly related to the goals and that has to do with sales or the next action that carried out the user.Rate of conversion (Conversion Rate). Percentage of people who take action divided between the readings of the QR code.
These variables are essential to monitor the campaign, although there are more but would depend on the strategy and the design of the tunnel of sales.
QR codes are one bridge to join the real world to the internet through a device that is increasingly accessible your purchase. Its simple operation has facilitated its diffusion, although there is a long way to go.
Seize this moment in which not all companies use it (as the bar code), may be a distinctive feature of cutting edge for your business image. If you already have a web page, it creates a space for viewing on mobile and take advantage of this momentum.
The shopping experience living prospects will depend on the creativity of the marketero to implement it. QR codes are gaining a space in the world of the mobile internet, so it will depend on you if you want to use that channel to win converts.
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sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: How digital marketing manages the offline success

I must admit that the English of this infographic I caused a bit of problems in the expressions of United States, and one that another spelling error (perhaps my English this rusty). But will translate it.
This computer graphics data shows statistical data of the many uses of digital media for part companies with physical stores. Unfortunately, this infographic shows the reason or reasons for the success using digital media.
If you think to use a social network like Twitter, Facebook, etc; It will bring success if alone, these daydreaming and you'll get a great disappointment. More than one emprededor or company was disappointed the use of social networks or any digital medium, because they had no success. They blamed the digital media, rather than blame if himself for the failure of the communication strategy.
If you fail in the use of digital media, you can not blame the digital medium, only the guilty are your. If you fail to build a House, it is not because the tools are damaged, is that you don't use the tools or do not know to choose the best. Digital media requires knowledge, experience and understand how each tool in each of the tactics and strategies that we develop. It is a complex job that requires professionals.
Although this does not mean that there are people who do not achieve success in social networking by chance. Because there are people who did the right thing at the right time, and once a person gets to the wave of success, you can not get in a long time. And when the success ends, you can come back up thanks to the experience, or that it is difficult to obtain the same success because actually they never knew how it was that they reached. Example of this see in the case of the site that I won $ 1 million, this young man did not get another equal success so far.
Only 6% of businesses feel that social media hurt its image rather than help them.The use of social media for small businesses has doubled from 12% to 24% in the last year. 75% of small businesses have a page on a network social.61% using digital media to identify and attract new clientes.61% of the companies use digital media to capture people on Twitter clientes.53% in your tweets with 48% to deliberate its intention to purchase suggest companies and/or products.
A. through combine Twitter and Facebook, JDV hotels offer special rates to his followers and fans getting over 1,000 room reservations at night in less than a year.
The Crème Brûlèe Cart uses Twitter to be located in San Francisco, where it will be and when.
Through Twitter, this offline business has 12,000 followers, 224 analysis of Yelp, and 4.5 of
reputation in Yelp.
View interior of Bing maps, released in 2010, provide the interiorde 360 panoramic photo business.There are more than 4 million business listed on Google Places.20% of searches on Google are looking for a place.
Of the 4 million Yelp analysis, they are divided into the following:
7% are entertainment and premises of servicio.8% are fitness, gyms, restaurants compras.34% stores etc.23%.On average, 1155 people bought an offer Groupon Group on a daily basis.The average daily cost of bids is $30 with a discount on average 57%.
Businesses that have used Groupon:
95% were satisfied with their experience, 95% would use it again, and 96% thing recomendaríana other business
GroupOn brought this dentist from San Franciso 320 new patients, putting this young business
5 months on the map.
This restaurant sold 2600 Groupon coupons in one day and full restaurant for 2 months during the lunch and dinner. This success also gave growth analysis Yelp, giving them to the
company 90 more analysis in 3 months.
Banner advertising has an expenditure of 20.9% of all advertising spent on average CTR 2010.El for banner advertising is ~ 0.25%.The ratio of conversion for B2B advertising averages 2.8%
The best answer in banner advertising comes from the format 300 × 250 positioned in the upper right corner of a web site.
The Quaker "Go Humans Go" campaign started online with a banner on the home page of
Yahoo. By placing this advertising at Yahoo, Quaker was able to reach 156 million users in United States when the campaign was active.
Quaker had more than 70 millions of impressions each time that the advertising appeared, the volume
search of the Quaker Oats grew by 28%, and in short term the impact of sale of the brand
It was more than $1.2 million.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

Tips for positioning a web site

These days, the creation of a web site is an added value to any business, and is probably less expensive and more valuable than ever, as more and more people begin to get used to the internet.
Create a website or an online store is an innovative method of starting a business, or to generate sales to expand the scope of the business using the internet. It is that you are starting, or you already have a web site, you can increase your sales, or visits your web site through techniques that help the most popular Internet companies. Some of these strategies can be integrated to help increase traffic, and driving more people to the site and make it more attractive to potential customers.
As a marketing strategy to increase the relevance of a site, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) considered search algorithms, knowing what people are looking for. A SEO efforts can consist of the coding of a site, the presentation and structure, as well as fixing problems that stop the spiderbots of search engines to index a web site.
It is important to add exclusive content to a web site, and make sure that the content is easily indexed by search engines robots, allowing the site to be more attractive for users.
Search engine advertising: is that a company pays in advertising in a search engine. Examples: Google Adwords, Yahoo advertising, Prodigy MSN, etc.SEO for organic searches: using knowledge about the rules that has a search engine positioning a web site, and creates a friendly site for search engines to be found using the keywords that are most used to appear at the top of the search within the search engine.
SEO can help generate a return on investment. However, search engines are you cannot pay to create traffic with organic search, so their algorithms (rules for indexing) may change, and there is no guarantee of appearing in the top. However, due to this lack of guarantees, a company which relies much on search engine traffic could suffer heavy losses if the search engines suspended or cease to send visitors to your website or online store.
For that reason to generate sales, is recommended to use advertising on search engines (SEM) along with the SEO strategy to rely on only one way to attract customers.
According to the best web analysts, operators must free from dependence on search engine traffic. One of the best top ranking SEO blog, has analyzed that "search marketing", has a touch of irony, they receive a very small part of its traffic from search engines. Instead, their main sources of traffic are links to other web sites.
Something important to generate sales is the use of letters of sales and landing page; as the use of newsletters.
Search terms are important. Even one of the most frequent and loyal clients, they can discover a site thanks to look for him on GOOGLE. Relevant keywords in your page titles, the titles of the products and links can make all the difference when it comes to bring customers to the web site. For those with established sites, you must not forget that the maintenance of their current and relevant keywords is a daily thing.
Be sure to check your web logs on a regular basis to see what visitors are looking for on your site, and identify the pages and products properly.
Add content is relevant to thereby improve the satisfaction of customers, search engine optimization of your site in search engines. The important term here is relevant.
Content strategy must be related to their products, if it is not the case, unrelated content could work against you, since it may confuse potential customers and gives the impression that wants to mislead the search robots.
A better method to add content relevant to your site is to add paragraphs descriptive on each of its products, which are placed next to your photos. Be as specific as possible and be sure that it uses the terms that people are more prone to use in your search.
Remember that you have qualified to web site traffic can translate into money. Search engine optimization and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) knowledge is vital if you want to attract traffic.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Analyzing the error of the Old Spice's Social Media campaign

It is the most disgusting thing I've seen for a campaign, send a poster of Fabio (the Italian-American model with long mane eighties style), along with a user-friendly representation of his long mane hair and a packet of spicy sausage chorizo Fabio representing. Because this made Old Spice, enviandoselo to Pete Cashmore of Can you imagine receiving this gift? (see photo).
I guess they wanted to imitate when sending bathed crickets of chocolate to the most influential bloggers of the United States. But that was a much more positive. The only word I get the mind is disgusting, perhaps a woman is more prone has willingly accept that gift style (I hope I be wrong).
The change was so radical in Old Spice, switch to the previous model Isaiah Mustafa by Fabio which was not liked by many. So much so, that Fabio on YouTube videos has more "I don't like" to "I like".
We talked about Old Spice and his successful campaign. But the failure of Old Spice is easy to analyze, they wanted to change a campaign that was giving good results, on the other hand without consultation with the audience. I do not understand because, but I guess it was the bright idea of a creative or a Manager.
Mustafa had become the face of Old Spice, consumers were connected to Mustafa and identified with the. To change the face of Old Spice and place to Fabio (very bad actor by the way), people felt deceived and dashed; This caused a wave of rejection and negative votes. Confidence is something that is very difficult to win in social networks; and once we can not play with the audience to these rates.

In order to get or to try to get to the followers of Isaiah Mustafa Old Spice from the hand of the Agency Wieden + Kennedy has made a channel on YouTube to make them compete at both.
But we admit that Mustafa is better than Fabio. If I do not believe you can see the channel called "Mano a Mano in the bath" on YouTube. Read negative reviews and notice the great failure of this change.

Social Media is very different from traditional media, consumers are not silent if they don't like the new changes of the brand. I hope that Old Spice has learned.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

What are the advantages of the franchises for entrepreneurs?

The franchise is one of the best alternatives for a franchisee (natural or legal person who acquires the franchise) buys the right to use the mark, operate the concept of the business and receive advice from the franchisor (franchise owner).
The entrepreneur must assume the risks, if the franchise were to fail. In addition to paying the entry fee and royalties regular to continue the franchise.
The entrepreneur will have lower risk when buying a franchise, because it has a proven business, advice and experience from the franchisee model. Being much easier to open an own company.
It will be your business owner but getting help from the franchisor. However this can vary depending on the franchise and the country of origin. The experiences, challenges and risks that face a France franchise will not be the same for a franchise in Mexico.
The client will identify the franchise (if it is recognized in the country where purchased), will have confidence in the brand, will therefore be easier to get clients.
Turn the franchisee will offer the same quality of service and attention to the client to the original franchise thanks to operation manuals. Thus there are accepted and recognized by the customer quality standards.
You will receive support from the franchisor while keep the franchisee to the franchise, thus there are security and certainty of a long life of the business.
There is an exponential effect in advertising and in the development of brand to customers.

Advertising: effective on social networks

This was one of the first videos of the benefits of using "Social Media", created by Socialnomics. If you are a publicist, business owner or you are interested in knowing which is the return on advertising investment in social networks then this subtitled video is for you.
300,000 businesses have presence in Facebook.Gary Vaynerchuk did grow his family business from 4 million to $ 50 million using social networks. Discovering 15,000 dollars on direct mail to bring 200 new customers... 7,500 dollars in press is equal to 300 new customers, while Twitter at no cost is equal to 1800 new clients.Wetpaint/Altimer found that the most active companies in social networks outperformed their rivals in revenue and profits. With a difference of + 18 for companies that use social networks.Lenovo had a 20% reduction in its activities on "call center" in response to the client, thanks to a community website.The application of Burger King to sacrifice friends had an investment of $50,000, and this generated a return on investment of $400,000 value of announcement of press with more than 32 billion free impressions in press releases. This is equivalent has achieved the combined population of 19 States Unidos.Blendtec States quintuplico its sales with the video on YouTube "" Will it blend "."Dell sold 3 million computers by Twitter.Solo 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive return on investment.You can not put it simply. You must ensure that people tell it between if. James Farley, CMO Ford37% of the generation and was known Ford Fiesta via social networks, before being released in United States. 25% of the expenses of the marketing of Ford is used in digital media. It is the only car company of United States I do not make the Government loan.Naked Pizza achieving record sales using social networks: 68% of sales using Twitter and 85% of new customers thanks to Twitter.Volkswagen launch a 100% mobile campaign for its GTI model.Tweets to encourage support for the Foundation "Susan g. Komen for the cure, retweeteados by @ Mashable, @ G_man, @ Zaibatsu generated 11 thousand visitors in 24 hours."Intuit introduced "Live Community" into their TurboTax product 2 years ago, produced an increase in sales of 30% in each unit of sales each software company reported that 24% of advances in social networks become sales opportunities.Barack Obama has 5 million fans on social networks, 5.4 million made click the button I vote for Obama in his Facebook page. He got 3 million donor online campaign that I transformed into 500 million dollars, 92% of the donations were less than $100.University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center increased 9.5% records using social networks.The web provider Moonfruit invested 15 billion dollars in social networks and increase your traffic by 300% and its sales by 20%. It is one of the first pages positioned to "free website builder".eBay found that participants in online communities spend 54% more money.A customer service centre cost 12 dollars using centers for contacts with 25 cents autoservicio.¿Por what we are trying to measure social to the traditional channels networks? Social Media touches every facet of the business and is more an extension of the good business ethics. Erik QualmanYa can't buy attention. Having a big budget isn't anything in Social media... the old media paradigm was pay to play. Now you can retrieve what truly put. You must be willing to play to play. Alex Bogusky, Co-chairman, CP & BCuando an appropriate response Mcain ask me about the return on investment in social networks what return on investment from your phone? Erik QualmanPiensa on Twitter as the Canary in the coal mine. Morgan Johnston of JetBlue AirwaysReduce the cost of marketing.Increases the tráficoPorque needs to be done. What is the cost of doing nothing? Are they really willing to take the risk?The head of Social Media is the client. McDonald